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Healthy, whole foods and supplements to promote advanced wellness and healing

Advanced Nutrition Accelerate Healing Results

Similar to the concept of Freedom Regenerative Medicine’s Advanced Wellness Program which lays a much deeper foundation for health than general wellness does, Advanced Nutrition Therapy goes far beyond providing just the basic, essential nutritional needs of the body. You may be aware that omega-3 fish oil, vitamin D, and magnesium are the top three recommended nutrient supplements to take. With Advanced Nutrition Therapy we now have access to potent, precisely targeted, scientifically researched, professional-grade supplements and personalized dietary strategies to specifically address disease conditions, optimize health, and enhance performance like never before.

“In 1980 when I began to diligently study and utilize nutrition for myself, scientific studies, clinical research and other data was limited. And the availability of nutritional supplements wasn’t readily available like all the modern health food stores and specialty shops we have now. To get the equivalent of some of today’s popular formulations, back then I used an individual pill for nearly each nutrient, which meant taking up to 10-20 pills at once! Since that time, there have been quantum leaps in the scientific study, understanding, manufacturing, and availability of groundbreaking nutritional supplements. I feel honored to have witnessed and benefitted from each step of this transformation. It is an understatement to say I am ecstatic to have the advanced nutritional science and tools of 2024 at hand, as part of my regenerative therapy protocols for my patients.” - Dr. Carol 

Innovative nutrient, vitamin, mineral, herbal and homeopathic supplements have been the foundation of Dr. Carol’s naturopathic practice since the mid 1980’s. With decades of experience, she is an authority on formulating individualized plans to powerfully leverage biochemical shifts to accomplish transformational results for her patients.


At this point in her practice, she is adept at honing in on the 2-3 most precisely targeted, critical supplements with clear, concise, clinical priorities and goals to get the maximum results. 


​Let’s look at a few critical features to get the most from supplementation and nourishment from our food. Yes, quality is paramount, you really do get what you pay for. The sources of the raw materials will directly impact the potency, but almost more important is the purity of what we ingest. We live in a world of increasing complexity, with thousands of chemicals, contaminants, and environments factors impacting us daily. Taking the steps to ensure the purest, most potent forms of nutrients and foods is supremely important today. Cheap vitamins mass produced for mega retail stores are a perfect example of the types of products that Dr. Carol steers her patients away from. If you are investing in supplements, make sure they are truly benefitting you.  

Often patients bring in their grocery bag full of supplements and Dr. Carol helps them sort out the good from the bad.

What, How, And When We Eat

It is probably safe to assume you are a bit confused about what to eat, how to eat, when to eat and what to avoid. Imagine Dr. Carol’s perspective of watching a 40-year parade of her patients trying every diet, menu plan, fad, and program from the latest experts with a new book, video or subscription plan. Let’s stop the merry-go-round and get back to science and the basics of how to eat for health.


​The first thing Dr. Carol suggests is listen to your intuition. We all have the inner knowing of what best serves us if we listen with curiosity and an open mind. Paying attention to how you feel when you eat and drink throughout the day is a great place to start.

The Best Approaches to Food That Have the Backing of Science Include:

  • A Low-carb, whole-food diet is optimal for weight loss, optimizing health, and lowering risk of disease.

  • The Mediterranean diet has been thoroughly studied as especially effective for heart disease prevention.

  • A Vegan diet provides a number of benefits such as heart health, better blood sugar control and weight loss. Supplementation of certain vitamins become essential if this is a long-term strategy.

  • The Paleo diet is supportive of weight loss and general health improvement. This popular diet includes foods available to our paleolithic ancestors.

  • A Gluten-free diet is intended for people who are intolerant to gluten, which is a protein naturally found in wheat, rye, and barley.

  • Fasting is a powerful strategy for regeneration. There are many approaches to consider and Dr. Carol suggests you get the support of a skilled provider before attempting this. She offers this to her patients as a prep before regenerative therapies.


There may be perfect reasons and real benefits to eating in other ways for you. Be willing to explore and find the way that works best for you.

How Well-Curated Products Contribute to an Advanced Wellness Program

  • Nutrient-Rich - Formulations of essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and novel ingredients that support optimal health and well-being.

  • Metabolic Support - Providing your body with the right balance of nutrients, helping to optimize your metabolism and energy levels.

  • Cellular Renewal -  Through the promotion of cellular rejuvenation, helping your body repair and regenerate for optimal health.




Visit Products to learn more about Dr. Carol’s Trusted Sources to Unlock Your Body's Potential with Advanced Nutritional Support.

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